yesus mengusir roh jahat dari orang gerasa bahasa Inggris
- yesus: jesus; prince of peace; savior; the nazarene;
- mengusir: beat off; beaten off; beating off; bundle out;
- mengusir roh jahat: exorcize; exorcize, (also exorcise british)
- roh: soul; spirit; wraith; spirit (animating force);
- roh jahat: evil spirit; poltergeist; demon
- jahat: bad; bad egg; criminal; demoniac; diabolic;
- dari: be of; from; from out of; from the; of; than;
- orang: folk; guy; man; men; person; the people of;
- yesus mengusir roh dari seorang anak laki-laki: exorcising a boy possessed by a demon
- legion (roh jahat): legion (demons)
- orang jahat: a bad egg; a bad lot; an evil one; bad person; blackguard; evil man; evil one; goon; viper; bogeyman; evil-doer; monster; rotter; thug; villain; bad guy; hoodlum; touchwood; muscle boy
- orang-orang jahat: evil men
- gereja yesus kristus dari orang-orang suci zaman akhir: the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints
- roh orang mati: ancestor
- kelakuan orang jahat: roguery; devilment
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